Friday, December 27, 2019

End of Year Traditions and Preparing for 2020

As the year draws to an end, the one thing my Mom taught me was never put off what you need to let go of before you start a new year.

So these last few days are for cleaning up, purging and Dead-filing. Now to take this stuff to the storage unit.

I even got my income tax papers organized today! Woohoo! I'm feeling productive.

I found a jar today while cleaning  and it's the perfect size for my Gratitude Jar.

I don't know if you've heard of this idea but I had seen it on Facebook and Pinterest a couple times this past month. One person said they write one thing a week that they are grateful that happened that week and on New Years Eve they open the jar and read everything that they were grateful for during the year. Another lady said she writes the best thing that happened to her that day, everyday and then reads them on New Years Eve. 

I haven't decided if I will do it daily or weekly, because I also keep a daily gratitude journal as well. In my Gratitude Journal I write every morning, 10 things I'm grateful for. Some people do it in the evening and go over the day, I prefer to start my day off with this so that I can go back to yesterday and feel good about it and move forward into my new day with the feeling of good things to happen.

What are your year end traditions? Do you have a routine of jobs needing to be done? Ways to prepare for the new year? I'd love to know what you do... please share!

Well, that is my day in a nutshell other than the usual picking up stuff for supper and tidying up.
Now for tea and clean up from dinner. Have a pleasant evening my friends.


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