Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No Sleep, Bake Brownies in between Call Outs

Couldn't sleep again last night so got up just before 11 and played games on the computer for an hour. Just as I was thinking I should try and get some sleep at midnight my pager went off. "Oh good! A reason to NOT be sleeping!" I dressed and ran to the hall. Went on the call and got to fill out the paperwork again, Yeah!! Yes, It makes me happy. I can contribute to a first response call while observing what is going on! hee hee Multi tasking is always a good thing.

The guys at my hall are great! They're really calm, efficient and thorough. I like working with them. Each call has a different group of guys who go out. You never know who is going to get in the truck first. LOL That's pretty much how we do it. If you're in the truck, you go. We could have, like last night, 9 guys n a gal respond, but only have room for 5 in the truck. The rest stay at the hall for back up and when the truck comes back they do the checkover on it.

When I got back from the call it was almost you think I could go back to sleep again? So I made brownies...hee hee Ugh, gonna be a long day today I think.

Have a great day everyone! It's the middle of the week and I think it's a good day for chocolate and lotsa coffee... :P

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