Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Twas Another Wednesday Night Fire Practice

Wednesday night again and all is quiet at the hall. 
Not a fireman hollering, not even a call. 
28 Stockings where hung under the whiteboard with care, 
in order of older to younger, me in the middle somewhere.
Garland up on the ceiling with style while the red lights glowed from the corners for miles.
A crew put up the Flagpole in a hurry, then...what was that noise,
a clatter and crash, not to mention the roar of laughter... such a scurry and dash as we rushed out to see what was the matter. When to our wondering eyes we saw
not a flag on the mast but a wee little fire fighter up there trying not to fall. He clung with his life way up the pole,how to get him down we pondered while we stared in awe as to how he got up there.
I was told to stay around as he was too short and wouldn't stay on the ground.
After we brought the stranded man down and flag went up without a hitch we went inside shaking our heads and talking at a low pitch. 
Not a moment later we hear the chief shout, "Clean the equipment or the party is out!" We scurried to and fro, scrubbing and polishing the gym equipment till it glowed.
Some of us were sent to finish the party trims and sweeping up after the tinsel had been found.
At the end of it all we sat around the table, nodding to each other and grinning our silly grins.
We had done good and now it was time to play. 
See you all Saturday night, with our party shoes on and empty tummies to be filled.

Happy Wednesday to all and a good night!

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