Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The difference between failure and success - try and do

As a fire fighter I know that to try to do my best isn't good enough. I have to be able to do my best. Whatever that may be.

I should have catnaps more often! I've been struggling with a letter I wrote this morning to the President and CEO of  the corporation I work for concerning my enlightened journey through their businesses and realizing I don't fit in.

My thought as I lay there was, "The difference between failure and success are the simple words 'try' and 'do'. To try, one expects to fail. To do, one expects to succeed."

"Do or do not do, there is no try." Yoda had a huge affect on me as I was growing up. His words throughout the movies always hit deeper then just being a star on a show. Today this movie moment is no different for me then when I was a kid watching him for the first time.
"Attempting to pick up a piece of trash is really just not picking it up. Once you've picked it up then trying and not trying are irrelevant." Wayne Dyer
So in thinking this thought and remembering why I am who I am and do what I do. I felt better in knowing that I'd passed on information to the guy higher up the ladder. I couldn't just sit back and watch without doing something to make things better for the people under me. I might not be able to make a difference for myself but I sure was going to do all I could to make things better for others before I left the company.

I guess that's why I love being a fire fighter. I am doing what feels good for me. I'm being selfish. That being said... here's my thoughts on selfish. 

I'll leave you with another saying to remember, "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." Babe Ruth. Be selfish and keep playing the game.

Impossible simply means I'm possible.

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