Thursday, December 26, 2019

Boxing Day Traditions

Every family has traditions. I know some have all the focus on holidays, others are focused on family vacations, ours was all the above plus Boxing Day had it's own tradition. Not everyone thinks about spending money. Even when they have money, some still just focus on remembering and family. The more important things about the holidays that we need to bring back. Don't you think?

I don't know exactly where the name for the day after Christmas came from really, but my Mom told me that it was the day that all decorations were taken down and packed up in boxes for another year. Thus it was "boxing day". So to this day, that's what I do.

We use to wrap the glass and ceramic ones in paper, talk about this current holiday and what our favorite moments were. It was kind of like the reverse of our Christmas decorating time, where we would reminisce about Christmas past and how we were going to make this Christmas just as special by coming up with ideas.

 Then after decorations were taken down and put away, we would have a cup of cider or tea. Tonight, my son and I are having both. Not at the same time, that would be silly. He is having an Apple Cider and I'm having tea... In my Mom's favorite teapot...

Yes, it is a chicken shaped pot... hee hee I remember her saying, "It's throwing up now." It still makes me smile.

Gosh, I miss her. Anyway, now I'm watching a movie then off to bed. But before I go, what are some of your favorite childhood traditions you still do today?

Good night, I hope you had a fabulous day!

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