Sunday, July 10, 2016

Feeling Good Without Spending a Dime

I am sure you have a favorite celebrity that you admire. I know I do. I always thought it was just the way she looked, dressed, her hair was always perfect, not to mention her make up but I liked the way she walked and carried herself. I started learning more about her as a person, researching her and studying her. I finally figured out what it was that I liked, it was how she FELT about herself. She is not only confident but she was smart too. She is successful today because she believes in herself and it shows on the outside. I wanted that look that she had and so I decided what I had to do. It wasn't going to cost me anything to do what she did either. I had to clear out the crud, that thick black goo that seems to cling to everything, from my mind that affected my emotions.
You are sitting there saying "well, how do I do that?" You already know what to do but you aren't sure if you have enough umpf to put the effort in to do it, right? Only you can change you, if you want something bad enough you will put in the time and effort. To begin improving how we see ourselves on the outside, we need to look at our thinking and emotions. One thing that I have learned is that if I don't like what I look like, how I dress, or that I don't feel good about myself, it's probably because of what is going on in my head.
Many people, professionals, counselors, etc say that you have to change your inner world before you can change your outer world. I say "Yes and No" to this. You can't feel good about yourself until you feel good about what you look like and visa versa. I guess what I am saying is that it goes hand in hand. What kid show is it that has the song "You can't have one without the other..."? Sesame Street, I think...anyway, just got side track there for a minute. Where was I...Oh yes, hand in hand is how the feeling and looking good work for women.
I know that if my head is clear with a goal, plan or dream and I am focused on what I set out to do then the way I feel about myself, how I carry myself, dress, do my hair, whether I put makeup on or not, even down to what shoes I wear, heels or not, will reflect this. I feel more confident, successful, positive and seem to have the world in the palm of my hands.
However, if my head is full of that "crud" I mentioned earlier, then I feel just the opposite about myself and I find that my outer person reflex this. If I am not sure why I am going through this slump, I will do myself "up" on the outside anyways. I find sometimes, not all the time but sometimes, putting on my favorite pants, blouse, makeup, doing my hair, just the right jewelry accents and high heels, I feel better in my own head space. It helps to get me back in the game of success and positive energy.
If I find that this doesn't work then I know that I have something going on in my life that I need to de-clutter. Whether it is physically, personally, emotionally, mentally, or in a relationship way, I have to clean that black goo out of my mind to get back on track.
To de-clutter and feel good about you and love the new you, start with purging your mental, emotion and personal closet. I am going to challenge you to take 15 minutes a day, preferably first thing in the morning, for yourself. Focus on You. This could be a meditation, reading a positive affirming, motivation self help book, exercise, playing your favorite music, anything that will help you be in a better place in your mind. Do this for two weeks, see how you feel during that time. You will be able to face the rest of the day with more vigor, joy, hope and get a lot more done than you expected. Let me know how it goes.
In the next article I am going to help you look good without spending a dime. Like I said the feeling good and looking good go hand in hand. Have fun discovering the new you, girl-friends!