Saturday, June 18, 2016

Being Your Own Boss - Remember the Reason, the Passion

Have you ever sat down ready to write and couldn’t figure out what to put down? So you start researching on the internet. Perhaps typed in “best topic to write about” or something like that? What if you already knew what you wanted to write about but the article you were asked to write isn’t on that topic?

Crunched for time? You have to get that article in before the deadline or you don’t get paid? Is the writing more about the pay or is about your passion, your desire to help others? Do you enjoy what you write about or are you writing what people tell you to write about because it’s more about the money?

Just like any other home-based business owner, you have bills to pay, worried about getting food on the table for your family, new shoes for your kid’s because they seem to have grown out of the other ones so fast. All these are genuine reasons for staying on topic, focused and dedicated to getting your work done, however these really shouldn’t be the most important reasons.

Why did you choose to write, work or become your own boss? Was it for the extra time that you were suppose to have with your family? The potential amount money you could bring in? The tax write offs? What really motivated you to take the step in working for yourself?

For me the reasons for being a full time freelance writer was so I could have more time with my family, be my own boss, set my own hours and because I love to write. However, somewhere along the way, I lost sight of my desires. I got so caught up in making sure that the money was coming in that I put my dreams on hold. I have been logical, rational and responsible. Uhhh yes, the virgo or if you will, the melancholy in me…responsible. It has been screaming at me to “go get a real job, bring in a regular pay cheque, and then work on my writing”. I struggle with this little voice of reason daily. I am sure that you do too, if you are reading this now. But I have to remember to keep that excitement and joy in seeing my dream and going after it, because if I lose it, then I am only a slave to a new boss, myself. Quite frankly she is tougher to work for than my last two bosses. My expectations from myself are way higher than I can possibly achieve, but I have to keep trying, cuz if I am not willing to strive, who else will?

Well, I can’t tell you that it get’s easier, or that it has paid off very well, yet; not listening to that voice in my head, or to what other people have to say about my career move. I do know that I have been able to pay the bills on time and regularly and I have enjoyed most of the writing projects so far. However, I need to keep in mind why I write. It’s because I am passionate about what I am saying and I want to help others.

You might have a different business, but we are all the same on the inside, in that we have a very valid reason for wanting to be entrepreneurs. Why not find out what that is for you again and get re-acquainted with that inner self that has a dream and passion for the choice you made and hush the voice of reason, because really what matters most is that as long as the bills are getting paid and you have a dream of where you want to be, you will get there and you will be great!

It isn’t the destination that matters but the journey you are on…enjoy the trip because in the end you are going to look back and say “It was so worth it!”

Until next time, have a prosperous and successful week.