Saturday, December 20, 2014

3 Steps to Remember While Moving Towards Your Dream

Having a dream of doing, being or creating something more in your life can be trying at times. Stay focused, keep doing what you need to do, even if you feel like you aren't going anywhere with just means that you are right at the threshold of your big break. It may not be the million dollar deal; it might not be that movie deal that you have dreamt of as a kid or that #1 best selling book that you have always wanted to write and publish. It might be on the threshold of the next big step in the ladder of your success that you need to take to get to that final destination. Just when you feel like quitting or giving up in frustration, that is when you need to realize you are that much closer to your dream becoming a reality.

The past few days I have been struggling with my dream coming to fruition. I have been struggling with writing my daily articles, because of issues I am having, also family things that need taking care, house chores always there, bills to be paid, yida yida. The point is that I have to constantly stay focused on my dream. If I don't write the article everyday, then what am I doing to keep on track for my dream? Well, I might not feel like writing, but that doesn't mean I get the day off. I do research, make notes, call people about questions I have, read books about others that have succeeded in getting their dream.

No matter what day it is, 5 days a week, I focus on writing...actually it is 7 days, but the other two days are fun days that keep me focused on my dream of becoming a full time paid freelance writer. I don't know what your dreams are but I am sure it is something absolutely out there and looks like it is impossible for you to achieve, but those are the dreams that need focus and working on. Without the passion for this big, impossible dream then you will never accomplish that dream.
Three important things to remember while working towards your dream even if you take a day off from working towards it:

1. Intention = A crystal clear focus of knowing what you want to create in your life and what you are passionate about.

2. Attention = What you focus your attention on will draw the energy to that dream and make it stronger. You need to create a plan on getting your dream, but then you have to take Action. Without action your attention will only take you so far. Action engages the attention that you give your dream.

3. No Tension = Act from a calm and peaceful state within yourself. Be fully present in the now while acting on your attention and clear dream. Then the second half of this is once you have done all you can think of doing to get to your dream, let it go. Your dream will happen, but might not look like what you expected it to.

If you can stay the course while accepting that you are having a bad day and don't feel like working on your dream, then try to find something small or easy to do that still keeps your focus strong and then let the tension and negative energy go. We are all human and have good days and off days. Time to make those off days work for you too, don't you think?

Until next time, "It is kinda fun to do the impossible"~ Walt Disney